Deciding Whether AdSense Is Right for You

Even though there are a lot of benefits to using AdSense, it’s not for everyone.
Just like not everyone likes the idea of eating chocolate, there will be
some who aren’t willing to risk that AdSense ads push (or draw) traffic away
from their Web sites.
One good example of this is if you have an e-commerce Web site that features
products on every page. Many e-commerce site owners aren’t willing to
include advertisements on their pages because the ads can cause site visitors
to surf away before they complete a purchase.
What it all really comes down to is to know how badly you would be hurt if a
site visitor surfed away from your site. If the damage would be like cutting off
your left hand, you probably don’t want to include AdSense on your site.
If, on the other hand (the right hand because it’s not been cut off yet),
the possibility of a site visitor surfing away wouldn’t cost you any money,
AdSense is probably worth considering. To be clear, a certain percentage of
site visitors click an ad on a site and then don’t come back, either that day or
at all. But that percentage is likely to be very small. If you won’t lose money if
they don’t come back, why not try to make a little money?
Jenn Savedge, the owner of the blog The Green Parent (www.thegreenparent.
com), doesn’t use AdSense. She says, “I want to have complete control over the
products that are advertised on my site. I don’t want it to appear as though I am
endorsing products when I am not.” And that’s a valid reason to decide against
using AdSense.
A good rule of thumb is generally that all content-only sites can afford to
have AdSense ads displayed on some, if not all, pages on the site. Sites that
sell stuff? Well, that’s a little trickier, but if you have pages that don’t contain
links to purchase products (like product review pages, or articles that extol
the value of a particular product or group of products), you can probably feel
pretty secure about including AdSense ads on those pages.


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