Just in case you haven’t gotten this by now — AdSense success is all
about the ads. Ad design and ad placement are crucial when it comes to
AdSense, but the most important thing is that your ads don’t appear to be
ads — as counterintuitive as that may sound.
I know; it’s nearly impossible to completely remove the advertising element
from AdSense ads. No matter how well you integrate the ads into your content,
the Ads by Google label is still there. Even so, the more your ads look
like ads, the less likely it is that site visitors will bother to click them.
That means you should integrate your ads into your site content as well as
you possibly can. That’s accomplished by changing the style of the ad — the
text styles, colors, shapes, and borders — until the ads and your content flow
together as one.
“Easier said than done,” you might say, but here’s where this chapter comes
into play. Success with AdSense is all about knowing what works and what
doesn’t. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a whole slew of tips and techniques
under your belt that you can use to make your AdSense strategy work
for you.
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