AdSense for RSS

Every once in a while you stumble across a great idea that hasn’t quite
made it to fruition yet. That’s what AdSense for Feeds is. It really is a
great idea — who could hate the ability to place ads in dynamic content
that’s pushed out to readers? — but it’s an idea that hasn’t quite made its
way off the production line yet.
Another way of putting this is to say that AdSense for Feeds is still just a concept.
As I write this, it’s in closed beta testing and there is no word from the
company about when the beta testing will end and general public release will
begin. (I’ve heard rumors that it will be open to the general public soon, but I
really can’t confirm any of those rumors.)
I still think covering the topic is a good idea. The program is sure to be available
sooner, rather than later, and if you already know how to use it, you’ll
be ahead of the learning curve. Because you can sign up to be notified when
AdSense releases the program for general use, you won’t have to waste any
time when it does become available.


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