The Blog Explosion

Even as little as five years ago, search engines were loaded with information
that had been the same for years. Many people never bothered to update
the material on their Web site because there was no penalty for not doing
so. Today, however, search engines look at information freshness as part
of the formula to determine where a Web site ranks in search results. Web
sites with highly relevant and regularly updated information rank higher than
those sites that have had the same content for 3 (or 2 or 15) years.
To increase their ratings, most companies as well as many individuals now
employ blogs as a way to put the most current and most relevant informational
tidbits in front of people as quickly as possible. Blogs, by their very
nature, are publishing on demand. Writers no longer have to put together a
piece just to wait three to six weeks, or even months, to have that information
in front of people. Blogs allow writers — whether personally or corporately
driven — to put their thoughts and collected facts in front of a reader
in an instant.
For example, consider the Web site and blog Woot’s concept is to
provide potential customers with a single product of high value every day.
The company doesn’t keep a huge back stock of products stored in a warehouse
somewhere. Woot gets a limited number of a single product every day.
That product gets announced and placed on the Web site at a very special
price, but when it’s gone, it’s gone. No more. You’re out of luck.
The concept only works, however, because the company’s established a
system of constant contact with its customers by using blogs. Notice the plurality
there — blogs. More than one blog and multiple blog posts per day.
The value in having multiple blogs — and having multiple blog posts each
day — is that there’s more information you can keep in front of your site visitors.
The assumption is that it’s relevant information. Now, add AdSense to
that, and you can see that the potential for income is amazing. All you have
to do is create a high-demand blog, populate it with relevant information,
and add AdSense to the mix.


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