AdSense calls reports that you’ve preset certain variables for — dates, for
example — Quick Reports. These reports are easy to get to. When you log
in to your AdSense account, the page that you land on is the Main Report
page. You’ll find the Quick Reports section at the bottom of that page.
These reports are already set up for you — basically —, so all you need to
do is click the link for the report, and a new page loads with those variables
already in place.
When a new report loads, notice the customization options shown at the top
of the page. (They’re above the fold; you actually have to scroll down the page
to see the report data.) These customization options allow you to change
dates, products, and even ad unit information to further customize your
report view. I give you more information on how to use custom and advanced
reports a little later
your Quick Report options for AdSense for Content ads.
Here’s what each report entails:
1. This Month, By Day: If you select the This Month, By Day report, you
get pretty much the same information as shown in the Overview report,
such as page impressions, clicks, and earnings, but you get that info for
each day of the current month.
2. Last Month, By Day: Instead of displaying the current month’s data,
this report lets you look a bit deeper into the historical data to see what
trends might be emerging. (Okay, deep here is a relative term; I’m only
talking last month.) For example, are certain days better for generating
AdSense income? If you can see those patterns and use them to develop
useful theories and scenarios, you can test those theories in an effort to
further increase your AdSense earnings.
If you use AdSense for Search on your site, additional reports may provide further
statistics about your AdSense revenues. Even though AdSense for Search
is a little different than AdSense for Content, the reports should have the same
outward appearance. The functions of ads are different than the functions
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