Selecting how you get paid

Setting up your account for payment is only half of what needs to be done.
You also have to choose how you want to get paid. With AdSense, you have
three choices:
1. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): Your AdSense payments can be
directly deposited into your (U.S.) bank account — after you’re set up to
receive electronic payments, of course.
2. Check-Standard Delivery: Standard delivery checks go out around the
15th of the month and could take two to three weeks to arrive in your
3. Check-Secured Express Delivery: Checks sent Secured Express Delivery
go out about the 15th of the month, but they’re guaranteed to arrive at
your doorstep within a week. The rub? It costs you $30 for the privilege.
No matter which form of payment you receive, you still have to make $100 in
revenues before the payment’s sent to you. If you select EFT, however, you
can set that up before you reach the $100 cut-off point.
If you’re an International user, you may have two options for payment.
AdSense will send checks to all supported countries — if you’re not in the
U.S. and you can use AdSense, then you’re in a supported country — or in
some countries you can receive an EFT payment. The countries in which EFT
is available are
Czech Republic
The Netherlands
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
In all of the countries, payment is available in that country’s national currency.
Setting up the EFT account is pretty simple. Follow these steps:
1. Point your browser to the AdSense Web site at
2. Log in to your AdSense account and go to the My Account tab.
If you’re not automatically taken to the Account Settings page, select
that link below the My Account tab.
3. Scroll down to the Payment Details section of the page and click the
Edit link.
4. In the new page that appears, choose the Add a New Bank radio
button and click Continue.
You are taken to the Bank Account Information page, as shown in

5. In the Bank Account Information page, enter your bank account information
and then click Continue.
Your account information is checked automatically to ensure that it’s
accurate. If everything is correct, you receive a confirmation message.
6. Wait.
You have to wait a few days — four to ten days to be exact — for
AdSense to make a small deposit — the amount varies, but it could be
anything up to about $1 — into your account.
7. After you receive your initial deposit, log back in to your account and
return to the Payment Details section of the Account Settings page.
8. Enter the deposit amount in the Deposit Amount field and then click
the Confirm button.
That last click does it; you’re set up for direct deposits.
If you prefer to have your payments made the old-fashioned way — by
check — all you have to do is log on to the Payment Details section of the
Account Settings page and select one of the check options. If you happen to
live outside the U.S., you don’t have any choice but to receive your payment
by check.


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