How to Export the Path Permanently in Linux Posted: Exporting a path permanently in Linux requires you to know which type of class you're trying to export. Find out how to export a path permanently in Linux with help from a software engineer with broad and extensive experience in this free video clip.
How to Get an Elevated User in W7 Posted: Getting an elevated user in Windows 7 only requires that you follow a few basic, easy to manage steps. Get an elevated user in Windows 7 with help from a software engineer with broad and extensive experience in this free video clip.
When You Open Your PC & Look at the CPU, How Can You Tell if It Uses Active or Passive Cooling? Posted: Certain types of CPUs use an active cooling system, while others use a system called passive cooling. Find out how to open your PC and tell whether or not it uses active cooling or passive using with help from a software engineer with broad and exten...
Adding a Program to Startup Posted: Adding a program to startup allows that program to run automatically whenever you start your computer. Add a program to startup with help from a software engineer with broad and extensive experience in this free video clip.
What to Do When iPhone Gets Stuck in Spin Mode Posted: If your iPhone gets stuck in "Spin Mode," there are a few key things you can do to get it back to normal. Find out what to do when an iPhone gets stuck in "Spin Mode" with help from an expert in Apple retail in this free video clip.
How to Upload an MP3 to an iPhone Posted: Uploading an MP3 to your iPhone requires the use of Apple's iTunes software. Find out how to upload an MP3 to an iPhone with help from an expert in Apple retail in this free video clip.
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