How to Make Tags Private on Facebook

How to Make Tags Private on Facebook

How to Make Tags Private on Facebook


The Facebook tag feature cannot be turned off.When a Facebook friend tags you in a video or picture, it shows up on your profile. While you cannot stop people from tagging you in their content, you can always remove a tag so that the picture or video no longer appears on your profile. Make tags... by Lillian Webster

How to Remove Symantec W32.SillyP2P


Remove the Symantec W32 Silly P2P infection from your system.The Symantec W32 SillyP2P is a malicious infection that spreads via peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. With this infection on your computer, it will cause your system to run slowly and behave erratically. Get rid of this infection immediately to... by Tyran DeWalt

How to Find My Facebook Fan Pages


Even if you've been on Facebook for a long time, frequent profile and site layout changes can make it difficult to find your favorite fan pages. This can be particularly confusing since Facebook removed fan pages from your profile in lieu of... by Sophie Southern

How to Change an Outlook Email to Single-Spaced


Microsoft Outlook users are able to receive and send messages from their email accounts through the Outlook program installed on their computer. As an Outlook user, you may prefer the program over your basic email provider's interface for the... by Matthew Burley

Step-by-Step for Sending Email Attachments As One Page


Email is one of the main forms of online communication, as it allows people to easily and quickly communicate across the Internet. In addition to allowing people to communicate sending text-based messages, email allows users to send file attachments.... by Edmund Lukavics

Unique Gifts for Single Men


What do you get a single man?Buying an unusual gift for a single man can be a challenge. It's not easy to find that perfect present and even harder to give something truly original. It's always a thrill to receive an unusual gift, especially if the item is actually... by Don McVey

How to Make Bigger Pages in Mozilla Firefox


Mozilla Firefox has a zoom feature that lets you enlarge text and images on Web pages to make them easier to read. Firefox 3.6 and earlier version had a zoom option you could click in the "View" menu, but Firefox 4 hid the traditional menu... by Chris Hoffman

How to Convert a Decimal to an Integer in Java


The Java programming language provides access to dozens of common mathematical operations in the java.util.Math static class. By calling this class, you can round, find exponents and even perform trigonometric operations on numbers. Three methods are... by Amber D. Walker

How to Block Non-U.S. IP Addresses


A .htaccess file helps you block certain IP addresses.If you have a United States-specific website, you may find it wise to block all non-U.S. IP addresses. This will prevent users from other countries slowing down your site with traffic, when they cannot even use your product. Blocking all non-U.S. IP... by Ray Padgett

How to Write HTML Code for Button Links


Using buttons make your site look professional.Links are integral to the web browsing experience. They enable website visitors to navigate around a website without having to retype a new address in the address bar, and enable users to jump from site to site as links lead them to different parts... by Micah McDunnigan


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