ACCU/Bletchley Autumn Lectures 2010

ACCU/Bletchley Autumn Lectures 2010

ACCU/Bletchley Autumn Lectures 2010


InfoSec News: ACCU/Bletchley Autumn Lectures 2010:
ACCU/Bletchley Autumn Lectures 2010 Saturday, 06 November 2010 08:30 - 19:00
Bletchley Park The Mansion Bletchley Park Milton Keynes MK3 6EB
ACCU is proud to announce its 2010 Security Conference at Bletchley Park [...]

Cyber-criminals steal identity of one of the world's top security chiefs using Facebook


InfoSec News: Cyber-criminals steal identity of one of the world's top security chiefs using Facebook:
By Daily Mail Reporter 19th September 2010
The head of Interpol has warned that cybercrime is the 'most dangerous [...]

MfD: BIS offers "tax-free money" for encryption system


InfoSec News: MfD: BIS offers "tax-free money" for encryption system:
Czech News Agency 14 September 2010
Prague, Sept 13 (CTK) - The Czech counter-intelligence service (BIS) has offered "tax-free money" to the CircleTech private firm for an [...]

MI5 chief: Cyber spying 'relatively straightforward' to beat


InfoSec News: MI5 chief: Cyber spying 'relatively straightforward' to beat:
By Chris Williams The Register 17th September 2010
Jonathan Evans, the head of MI5, has claimed the internet has made the threat of espionage by foreign countries higher than ever before, but insisted it is "relatively straightforward" to block attempts to steal data.
"The overall likelihood of any particular entity being the subject of state espionage has probably never been higher, though paradoxically many of the vulnerabilities exploited both in cyber espionage and traditional espionage are relatively straightforward to plug if you are aware of them," he said.
The common sense call is relevant to ongoing work by the year-old Office of Cyber Security in the Cabinet Office to improve basic information security across government and in businesses.
MI5, officially known as the Security Service, is responsible for counter-espionage. Evans has previously written to the bosses of big British companies to warn them of the threat online, particularly from hackers with links to the Chinese intelligence services.
Cyber security is a key issue for the ongoing Strategic Defence and Security Review, which is due to report next month. Following the first national Cyber Security Strategy last year, efforts to protect UK networks and data are expected to receive a large budget boost, against a background of cuts to other areas of defence and security.

Cyberattacks suspected on Defense Ministry, police agency websites


InfoSec News: Cyberattacks suspected on Defense Ministry, police agency websites:
Japan Today 19th September 2010
TOKYO -- The Defense Ministry and the National Police Agency possibly came under cyberattacks between Wednesday and Friday as it temporarily [...]


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