t2'10: Call for Papers 2010 (Helsinki / Finland)

t2'10: Call for Papers 2010 (Helsinki / Finland)

t2'10: Call for Papers 2010 (Helsinki / Finland)


InfoSec News: t2'10: Call for Papers 2010 (Helsinki / Finland): Forwarded from: Tomi Tuominen <tomi.tuominen (at) t2.fi>
### t2'10 - Call For Papers ### Helsinki, Finland October 28 - 29, 2010
We are pleased to announce the annual t2´10 conference, which will take [...]

Malaysia in 'top 10 Asia Pacific countries for phishing and bot-infected computers'


InfoSec News: Malaysia in 'top 10 Asia Pacific countries for phishing and bot-infected computers': http://www.mis-asia.com/news/articles/malaysia-in-top-10-asia-pacific-countries-for-phishing-and-bot-infected-computers
By AvantiKumar MIS Asia 25 Apr 2010
KUALA LUMPUR -- Malaysia is listed in the Asia Pacific and Japan top 10 countries for phishing and bot-infected computers, according to security solutions firm Symantec's latest Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR).
"Malaysia ranked fourth in Southeast Asia (SEA), behind Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia for hosting phishing websites in Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ)," said Symantec Malaysia, principal consultant, enterprise security, Paul Woo, who added that the study was in its eighth year.
"In Malaysia, 86 per cent of the phishing website hosts target the financial services industry (FSI)," said Woo. "The motive behind this percentage is financial gain."
Woo said the report showed that cyber criminals continued to focus on acquiring confidential information, which could then be sold at lucrative prices in the underground economy.
"Cyber criminals now focus on single financial institutions, for instance, and devise attack strategies specifically for the customers of that institution," he said.

How young upstarts can get their big security break in 6 steps


InfoSec News: How young upstarts can get their big security break in 6 steps: http://www.csoonline.com/article/591864/How_young_upstarts_can_get_their_big_security_break_in_6_steps
By Bill Brenner Senior Editor CSO April 24, 2010
If you're young, breaking into the security industry can be hell.
Companies have either suffered a data security breach or live in fear of one. [...]

McAfee apologizes for antivirus update disaster


InfoSec News: McAfee apologizes for antivirus update disaster: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-20003247-83.html
By Lance Whitney Security CNet News April 23, 2010
It's been a rough week for McAfee, but an even rougher one for many of its customers.
Acknowledging the chaos it caused by pushing out a buggy antivirus [...]

Verizon dubs sec researchers 'narcissistic vulnerability pimps'


InfoSec News: Verizon dubs sec researchers 'narcissistic vulnerability pimps': http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/23/verizon_narcissistic_vulnerability_pimps/
By Dan Goodin in San Francisco The Register 23rd April 2010
Updated - In an official blog post, an employee in Verizon's Risk Intelligence unit has taken aim at researchers who disclose security [...]

FBI: Finding criminal data on cell phones and game consoles is tough


InfoSec News: FBI: Finding criminal data on cell phones and game consoles is tough: http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/042310-fbi-cell-phones-game-consoles.html
By Tim Greene Network World April 23, 2010
Non-traditional communications devices such as smartphones and game consoles pose a particular problem to law enforcement agencies trying to [...]

[HITB-Announce] HITBSecConf2009 - Malaysia Videos Released!


InfoSec News: [HITB-Announce] HITBSecConf2009 - Malaysia Videos Released!: Forwarded from: Hafez Kamal <aphesz (at) hackinthebox.org>
The second quarterly HITB eZine (issue 002) has been released! Grab your copies from here:
3 months ago, our newly 'reborn' ezine was a completely new experience to our small team and we didn't expect it to have a lot of followers considering its absence for many years. But to our surprise, we received over 20K downloads just weeks after its re-launch! Despite all this, there are still many things for us to work on and improve upon. Our team is still working hard to make sure our ezine will not only become a resource our readers love to read, but also something they would like to keep. Our promise is that every issue will have something unique to offer. You can be a CSO or a hardcore security geek, we're confident our content offers something for everyone.
For the second issue, all the articles are now in high resolution. We hope by doing this it will increase the quality and and clarity of the materials. In addition, the articles are now organized into their respective sections and the code listings in them have been improved and are now easier to read. Also, a new "Interviews" section has been added and for this issue, we have interviewed two well known experts from France for their thoughts on the state of computer security.
Finally, we are always looking for feedback from our readers. It's very important for us to know how we can improve in terms of content and design. Please feel free to drop us an email if you have some constructive feedback or ideas that will help us to raise the bar even higher.
See you in the summer (Issue 003 will be released at HITBSecConf2010 - Amsterdam)
Tel: +603-20394724 Fax: +603-20318359

Judge denies bail for ex-trader accused of code theft


InfoSec News: Judge denies bail for ex-trader accused of code theft: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9175959/Judge_denies_bail_for_ex_trader_accused_of_code_theft?taxonomyId=17
By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld April 23, 2010
A federal judge in New York has denied bail to a former trader at Societe Generale who was arrested earlier this week for allegedly [...]


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