Transportation Of The Future - BMW ZX-6 Concept
In the past we presented you some impressive cars, motorcycles and other machines which could transport us in the future. Here is another intriguing car concept that was designed by two students of the IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) in Turin. The concept was created in collaboration with BMW and it consists of “Designing the BMW of 2015.”
It’s called BMW ZX-6 and it was designed by Jai Ho Yoo and Lukas Vanek to fulfill all the wishes and the lifestyle of a person. You may think that it looks like a toy, but this is how modern cars will look and the students let their imagination run wild.
In the picture above you can see the BMW Vela Concept designed by Andrea Corona, Alex Mastinu and Yim Sumi. Although it didn’t receive too many praises, I think that it’s really cool and it should be taken into consideration.
The next concept is called BMW Africa and it was inspired by the African lifestyle. The idea of the designers was to create a car that decomposes itself depending on the needs of a person. BMW Africa was envisioned by Raphael Laurent and Mihai Panaitescu, and the concept was appreciated by the IED commission.
The last concept that was welcomed by the “audience” is called BMW SNUG Concept and it’s destined for the people who want simple and fun things in a “chaotic, confusing, grey and polluted” future. SNUG was designed by David Raffai, Kevin Schlaepfer, Andrea Torchia and Alberto Usai, and it would surely bring joy into our lives because “we risk becoming automatons, slaves to money and personal success.”
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