Classified documents stolen from Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney's car

Classified documents stolen from Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney's car

Classified documents stolen from Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney's car


InfoSec News: Classified documents stolen from Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney's car:
By DANIEL LEBLANC, JEREMY TOROBIN Globe and Mail Nov. 17, 2010
The Bank of Canada is dealing with a serious security breach after a [...]

U.S.: Beijing backs hacking on 'massive scale'


InfoSec News: U.S.: Beijing backs hacking on 'massive scale':
By Lance Whitney Security CNet News November 17, 2010
A report delivered today to Congress by a commission on U.S.-Chinese relations is pointing the finger at the Chinese government for continued hacking attempts and computer exploits. [...]

Cyber educators to Congress: Let us handle it


InfoSec News: Cyber educators to Congress: Let us handle it:
By William Jackson Nov 17, 2010
Cybersecurity certification programs, universities and technical schools have failed to produce a professional workforce with the skills needed [...]

LAPD cop caught hacking info for gang member


InfoSec News: LAPD cop caught hacking info for gang member: November 15, 2010
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck spoke out publicly for the first time since the resignation of a rookie officer accused of accessing a law-enforcement database on behalf of a murder convict and reputed gang member.
The L.A. Times reported the officer was dating the gang member's sister.
Gabriel Morales, 25, resigned in September when internal affairs investigators searched his home. They reportedly found information on two witnesses in the murder trial of 18-year-old Matthew Turner.

RIM denies deal with Indian government


InfoSec News: RIM denies deal with Indian government:
By Nancy Gohring IDG News Service November 17, 2010
Research In Motion has not agreed to turn over corporate data sent to and from BlackBerry devices to the Indian government, contrary to [...]

Hacker uses cloud computing to crack passwords


InfoSec News: Hacker uses cloud computing to crack passwords:
By Jack Clark Mapping Babel ZDNet UK 16 November, 2010
A German hacker claims to have used cloud computing to crack passwords stored in an algorithm that was developed by the NSA. [...]

DNS provider decked by DDoS dastards


InfoSec News: DNS provider decked by DDoS dastards:
By John Leyden The Register 16th November 2010
DNS provider sitelutions was floored by a particularly severe denial of service on Tuesday.
The Virginia-based internet services firm confirmed its site was offline [...]

Detroit Hospital Security Breach


InfoSec News: Detroit Hospital Security Breach:
WDIV Detroit November 15, 2010
DETROIT, Mich. -- Henry Ford Health Systems has notified patients of a possible security breach after a laptop was stolen out of an unlocked medical urology office September 24th. [...]

Downtime Rated Top Risk Of Data Breaches


InfoSec News: Downtime Rated Top Risk Of Data Breaches:
By Mathew J. Schwartz InformationWeek November 16, 2010
What happens after a data breach, criminals attack the enterprise network, or PCs get infected with a virus via Facebook, leading to [...]

TSA and America's Culture of Zero-Risk


InfoSec News: TSA and America's Culture of Zero-Risk:
TSA and America's Culture of Zero-Risk (c) 2010 Richard Forno. Permission granted to reproduce freely with credit.
The lede on the DRUDGEREPORT most of Monday showed a Catholic nun being patted down at an airport security checkpoint, with the caption starkly declaring that "THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON."
He's right.
Ten years after 9/11, Americans who fly are facing a Faustian choice between subjecting themselves to a virtual (and potentially medically damaging) strip search conducted in questionable machines run by federal employees or a psychologically damaging pat-down of their bodies. Osama bin Ladin must be giggling himself silly this week.
But what should we expect in a society that requires adults to wear bicycle helmets while pedaling in the park, provides disclaimers of liability on TV advertisements, or prints warnings on fast-food coffee cups? The name of the game is zero risk. Not risk mitigation, or accepting responsibility for one's actions, but risk aversion. It's a failure to acknowledge that we can't protect against everything bad that can happen to us, so we must protect against everything we think might It's living in fear.
TSA has established itself as the lead federal agency charged with perpetuating this risk-averse culture at airports around the country. The proof is evident over the past ten years: Because of the Shoebomber, we have to remove our shoes. Thanks to the Christmas Crotchbomber, we are subjected to invasive scanning or government-mandated molestation. Because there's a potential for explosives in liquid or gel form, we've got the "Three Ounces in A Baggie" rule. Wearing a sweater or bulky fleece hoodie? Take it off (along with your shoes and belt) so it can be examined. Or frisking Granny, or asking toddlers to drink from their Sippy-cups to make sure it's really Mommy's milk inside. And let's not forget the thankfully defunct prohibitions on knitting needles, insulin syringes, matches, lighters, or standing during the last 30 minutes of flights to Washington, DC.
All in the name of protecting the homeland.
Given this latest round of homeland hysteria, I must ask again -- what happens after the next 'new' attempt to smuggle something onto a plane? Actually, we know the answer: another item will go on the Prohibited Items List and additional screenings of passengers will be conducted, followed by more patronising security-speak from our Department of Homeland Insecurity asking law abiding folks to give up more of their privacy and personal "space" in the interest of Homeland (er, "State") Security. Big Brother, meet Big Sister. With all her homeland security lobbyists along for the ride.
Where does it end?
Due to this nationalised risk aversion and a docile public, we're now living in a country that subordinates law abiding travelers to quasi-law-enforcement employees of a government agency empowered to make up the rules as it goes along and arrest/fine those who question, challenge, or refuse to comply with their demands while impeding their travel within this great country. What does all of this do to our nation? Our way of life? Our way of thinking as citizens?
Perhaps this is intentional, and we're being conditioned to accept the actions of TSA and embrace a zero-risk mentality on our society. What else can explain the statement made earlier today by TSA Director John Pistole that citizens who protest what they see as government transgressions into their privacy are being "irresponsible"? Calling us irresponsible when protesting this latest round of TSA actions is no different than our being labelled unpatriotic when protesting or questioning some of the provisions in the controversial USA PATRIOT Act. Same stuff, different Administration.
The American public needs to recognise the nature of the terror threat and accept a certain level of risk in their lives and travels instead of kowtowing to every reactive security 'enhancement' proclaimed by TSA as necessary to protect the country.
The tragedy of 9/11 wasn't necessarily the attacks of that fateful day, but what has happened to America in the years since.
Which should make us wonder: who should we be afraid of, really -- "them" or "us?"


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