CS Colloquium October 4th: “Data-Driven Science for Cyber Security”

CS Colloquium October 4th: “Data-Driven Science for Cyber Security”

CS Colloquium October 4th: “Data-Driven Science for Cyber Security”

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 06:02 AM PDT

Discussed are two projects at CERT to use operationally collected datasets to understand (1) important trends in malware binaries and (2) reliably informing re-investigations for security clearances. Both of these projects fit into CERT’s overall approach for using operational data to drive research in cyber security.

“Data-Driven Science for Cyber Security”

Dr. Greg Shannon

Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

Purdue University - West Lafayette Monday, October 4, 2010
3:30 pm
LWSN 3102 A/B

Operational data is an underutilized resource in the quest for effective and efficient cyber security. In spite of whatever errors data has, operators collect lots of it, but it typically goes unused or just lightly used (think colorful charts).
We discuss two projects at CERT to use operationally collected datasets to understand (1) important trends in malware binaries and (2) reliably informing re-investigations for security clearances. Both of these projects fit into CERT’s overall approach for using operational data to drive research in cyber security.

Dr. Greg Shannon is the chief scientist for the CERT(r) Program at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center. In this role, he works with CERT management and staff to establish and enhance CERT’s research visibility, initiatives, strategies, and policies. Outside of CERT, he works to influence national research agendas and promote the data-driven science of cyber security.

Dr. Shannon received a BS in Computer Science from Iowa State University with minors in Mathematics, Economics, and Statistics. He earned both his MS and PhD in Computer Sciences at Purdue University, on a fellowship from the Packard Foundation.

**Faculty and students wishing to speak privately with Dr. Shannon should contact Doug Comer at dec@cs.purdue.edu.


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