No Dark Corners: A Different Answer to Insider Threats

No Dark Corners: A Different Answer to Insider Threats

No Dark Corners: A Different Answer to Insider Threats


InfoSec News: No Dark Corners: A Different Answer to Insider Threats:
By Nick Catrantzos Homeland Security Affairs The Journal of the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security Volume VI No. 2: May 2010
An adversary making a frontal attack can be anticipated or repulsed. [...]

Destination Hotels card-processing system hacked


InfoSec News: Destination Hotels card-processing system hacked:
By Robert McMillan IDG News Service June 29, 2010
Hackers have broken into the payment processing system of Destination Hotels & Resorts, a high-end chain best known for its resort hotels in [...]

Security Managers Report Weak Threat Defenses


InfoSec News: Security Managers Report Weak Threat Defenses:
By Mathew J. Schwartz InformationWeek June 29, 2010
According to a new survey conducted by Ponemon Institute and sponsored by NetWitness, 83% of information security professionals said their [...]

Adobe Reader, Acrobat updates fix 17 critical holes


InfoSec News: Adobe Reader, Acrobat updates fix 17 critical holes:
By Elinor Mills InSecurity Complex CNet News June 29, 2010
Adobe on Tuesday released updates for Reader and Acrobat that plug 17 critical holes, including one being exploited in the wild to take [...]

UM Counseling Center servers hacked


InfoSec News: UM Counseling Center servers hacked:
By Michael Shepherd The Maine Campus June 29th, 2010
University of Maine police are investigating the breach of two UMaine computer servers holding the names, social security numbers, and [...]

Meet the FBI's new top cyber cop


InfoSec News: Meet the FBI's new top cyber cop:
By Ben Bain June 23, 2010
As the FBI's top cyber cop, Gordon Snow is on the front lines of federal efforts to thwart cyber crime, espionage and potential online terrorist activity. [...]

Alleged Russian agents used high-tech tricks


InfoSec News: Alleged Russian agents used high-tech tricks:
By Declan McCullagh Politics and Law CNet News June 28, 2010
A clandestine network of Russian spies in the United States used private Wi-Fi networks, flash memory sticks, and text messages concealed in [...]

Brazilian banker's crypto baffles FBI


InfoSec News: Brazilian banker's crypto baffles FBI:
By John Leyden The Register 28th June 2010
Cryptographic locks guarding the secret files of a Brazilian banker suspected of financial crimes have defeated law enforcement officials. [...]

FBI Investigating Possible DSHS Hacker


InfoSec News: FBI Investigating Possible DSHS Hacker:
By Emily Ramshaw The Texas Tribune June 28, 2010
The FBI is investigating whether a hacker broke into the state's confidential cancer registry, possibly holding personal information and medical records hostage.
Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Suehs says state health officials notified his office in early May that a hacker was holding the Texas Cancer Registry hostage and demanding a ransom. Suehs says preliminary investigation results from the FBI indicate the threat may be a hoax, and officials with the Department of State Health Services, which oversees the cancer registry, say they don't believe the names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and personal medical information contained in it were stolen. But if the FBI determines private records were revealed, Suehs says, health officials will quickly notify the people listed in the registry.
"This is an incident that makes everybody's antennas go a little bit higher, and I'm using it as an opportunity to elevate our awareness of our responsibility to protect information," Suehs says. "Nothing is 100-percent secure. But I think [most of] our systems, our processes, worked. And that's the positive thing."
The security scare comes at a sensitive time for the state's health agencies, which are making plans for an electronic superhighway to exchange Texas medical records -- and expect an influx of federal dollars to help do it. Privacy advocates are already nervous about whether the state has the technology safeguards to keep these records out of hackers' hands.

[Dataloss Weekly Summary] Week of Sunday, June 20, 2010


InfoSec News: [Dataloss Weekly Summary] Week of Sunday, June 20, 2010: ========================================================================
Open Security Foundation - DataLossDB Weekly Summary Week of Sunday, June 20, 2010
19 Incidents Added.
======================================================================== [...]

Misconfigured Cisco gear could lead to Wi-Fi breach


InfoSec News: Misconfigured Cisco gear could lead to Wi-Fi breach:
By Robert McMillan IDG News Service June 28, 2010
Users of a popular Cisco Systems wireless access point may be setting themselves up for trouble if they leave a WPA wireless migration feature [...]

Challenges from all sides beset CISOs


InfoSec News: Challenges from all sides beset CISOs:
By Henry Kenyon June 28, 2010
Government agencies rely on their chief information security officers to stay on top of evolving threats to their information technology systems. But CISOs must balance a variety of needs and requirements to keep their organization's networks safe. A panel of government CISOs discussed these issues at a recent meeting sponsored by the Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association's Bethesda, Md., chapter.
Moderated by Jerry Davis, NASA's deputy chief information officer for IT security, the panel examined how CISOs balance their existing mission needs with new and pending rules, managing new technology trends such as real-time data monitoring, and working with the vendor community.
Davis noted that the federal government was going through a period of change as it renewed emphasis on cybersecurity, citing the nearly 40 cyberspace related bills currently under consideration in Congress. Davis added that the role of the CISO continues to evolve, as they increasingly assume greater responsibility and authority in their organizations.
When asked how they balanced their responsibilities with meeting established priorities and complying with new regulations, the panelists offered a range of answers. Patrick Howard, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's CISO, said that while he keeps up with his current responsibilities, he also is watching new legislation; he specifically cited a proposed law that would allow CISOs to withhold bonuses to executives and managers who did not meet federal compliance standards.

White House Cybersecurity Czar Unveils National Strategy For Trusted Online Identity


InfoSec News: White House Cybersecurity Czar Unveils National Strategy For Trusted Online Identity:
By Kelly Jackson Higgins DarkReading June 28, 2010
The White House has outlined a national strategy for trusted digital identities that could ultimately eliminate the username-and-password [...]


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