Cisco bugs surrender control of building's critical systems

Cisco bugs surrender control of building's critical systems

Cisco bugs surrender control of building's critical systems


InfoSec News: Cisco bugs surrender control of building's critical systems:
By Dan Goodin in San Francisco The Register 26th May 2010
Cisco Systems has warned of serious vulnerabilities in a device that connects a building's ventilation, lighting, security, and energy supply [...]

New undersea cable feeds African botnets


InfoSec News: New undersea cable feeds African botnets:
By John E. Dunn Techworld 26 May 2010
Spam coming from Africa could be about to boom thanks to new broadband infrastructure in the Eastern half of the continent, according to Symantec's MessageLabs division. [...]

Denver enlists posse to try to corral website hacker


InfoSec News: Denver enlists posse to try to corral website hacker:
By Christopher N. Osher The Denver Post 05/26/2010
Denver officials have asked the FBI, Denver police and Microsoft Corp. to help them identify the person or people who have hacked into the city's website twice in the past week. [...]

Researchers Find New Ways To Eavesdrop Via Mobile Devices


InfoSec News: Researchers Find New Ways To Eavesdrop Via Mobile Devices:
By Tim Wilson DarkReading May 26, 2010
Cell phones and other handheld devices could become a great way to listen in on spoken conversations, researchers at George Mason [...]

DARPA builds Cyber Range to test security measures


InfoSec News: DARPA builds Cyber Range to test security measures:
By Barry Rosenberg May 26, 2010
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and industry are developing a National Cyber Range to test network attack-and-defend strategies, much the same way that the United States created a range at Bikini Atoll in the 1940s and 1950s to test atomic weapons.
The goal of the NCR is to accelerate government research and development in high-risk, high-return areas and jump-start technical cyber transformation in the private sector. NCR will achieve this by providing a real-world simulation environment from which companies and research organizations can develop, field and test advanced concepts and capabilities to defend U.S. communications networks against cyber threats.
There are already a number of smaller, noninterconnected cyber ranges for testing in the United States, but none of them provides the single, large-scale test bed that DARPA said will quickly produce qualitative and quantitative assessments of cyber R&D. For example, there is the Joint Forces Command Information Operations Range, which has been operating since 2006 and routinely conducts more than 100 experiments a year related to information operations.
What DARPA wants to do with the NCR is take testing automation to the next level so that time-consuming, manual setup time can be kept to a minimum, leaving more time to conduct experiments so cyber defense can be more quickly woven into the nation's communications networks.


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