Change in Focus

Change in Focus

Change in Focus


InfoSec News: Change in Focus:
By SecurityFocus Staff SecurityFocus 2010-03-10
Since its inception in 1999, SecurityFocus has been a mainstay in the security community. From original news content to detailed technical papers and guest columnists, we've strived to be the community's source for all things security related. SecurityFocus was formed with the idea that the community needed a place to come together and share its collected wisdom and knowledge.
At the time, the security community was fairly fragmented with mainstream security information in its infancy. If you worked in security, it was difficult and frustrating to find the information you were looking for because it was scattered across a small number of mailing lists, sites and publications. There was no single place where a community of security professionals could go to get the information they needed and there was a unique opportunity to build a community portal that would provide its users with a destination and voice.
At SecurityFocus, the community has always been our primary focus. We knew then as we know now that providing the community with a place to share information, discuss new ideas and share technologies was critical to staying in touch with the constantly evolving threat landscape. With its purchase of SecurityFocus in 2002, Symantec became one of the first vendors to recognize the importance of maintaining a close relationship with the security community to the point where they made a commitment to its founders to continue to operate SecurityFocus as an independent company with the same mandate -- "It's all here - and it's all free."
The threat landscape has changed significantly over the past 10 years and so has the community. What was once a dispersed though vocal collection of users, researchers and analysts has become a much larger and more cohesive community of experts who have endeavored to make security more than just an after-thought. Vendors have also changed significantly, to the point where entire divisions are devoted to security research and education. Today, more information is shared openly within the community than ever before through the use of blogs, threat analysis, and whitepapers as vendors increasingly work with the community to solve today's security challenges. The enormous growth in dedicated portals and alternative news sources such as social networking sites allows us to get our security news and information from a variety of sources and as a result, it makes sense for SecurityFocus to evaluate how best to serve its readers.
With this in mind, the time is right for SecurityFocus to focus more on its core components. Beginning March 15, 2010 SecurityFocus will begin a transition of its content to Symantec Connect. As part of its continued commitment to the community, all of SecurityFocus. mailing lists including Bugtraq and its Vulnerability Database will remain online at There will not be any changes to any of the list charters or policies and the same teams who have moderated list traffic will continue to do so. The vulnerability database will continue to be updated and made available as it is currently. DeepSight and other security intelligence related offerings will remain unchanged while Infocus articles, whitepapers, and other SecurityFocus content will be available off of the main Symantec website in the coming months.
While the news portal section of SecurityFocus will no longer be offered, we think our readers will be better served by this change as we combine our efforts with Symantec Connect and continue to provide a valuable service to the community. As always, if you have any questions or concerns you can reach us at editor-at-securityfocus-dot-com.

TJX Hacking Conspirator Gets 4 Years


InfoSec News: TJX Hacking Conspirator Gets 4 Years:
By Kim Zetter Threat Level March 11, 2010
Humza Zaman, a co-conspirator in the hack of TJX and other companies, was sentenced Thursday in Boston to 46 months in prison and fined [...]

Final CFP: TrustBus'10-- Deadline Extended


InfoSec News: Final CFP: TrustBus'10-- Deadline Extended: Forwarded from: "M. Carmen Fernández Gago" <mcgago@ (at)>
** Apologies for multiple copies **
*Final Call for Papers*
7th International Conference on
30 August -- 3 September 2010
http://www.isac.uma. [...]

State Web site breach tied to foreign attacker


InfoSec News: State Web site breach tied to foreign attacker:
By William Petroski The Des Moines Register March 11, 2010
A hacking incident on an Iowa homeland security Web site last week has [...]

ZeuS botnet code keeps getting better... for criminals


InfoSec News: ZeuS botnet code keeps getting better... for criminals:
By Ellen Messmer Network World March 11, 2010
New capabilities are strengthening the ZeuS botnet, which criminals use to steal financial credentials and execute unauthorized transactions in [...]

Secunia Weekly Summary - Issue: 2010-10


InfoSec News: Secunia Weekly Summary - Issue: 2010-10: ========================================================================
The Secunia Weekly Advisory Summary 2010-03-04 - 2010-03-11
This week: 63 advisories [...]

Why Bob Maley's Firing is Bad for All of Us


InfoSec News: Why Bob Maley's Firing is Bad for All of Us:
By Dennis Fisher Threatpost March 11, 2010
The news that Pennsylvania CISO Bob Maley lost his job for publicly discussing a security incident at last week's RSA Conference really shouldn't come as a surprise, but it does. [...]


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