Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here

Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here

Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here


InfoSec News: Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here:
By Ryan Singel Threat Level February 24, 2010
Microsoft has managed to do what a roomful of secretive, three-letter government agencies have wanted to do for years: get the whistleblowing, [...] hacker who redirected Web traffic pleads guilty


InfoSec News: hacker who redirected Web traffic pleads guilty:
By Peter Key Staff Writer Philadelphia Business Journal February 24, 2010
One of the three men charged with hacking into the Web site for Comcast’s Internet customers last year has pleaded guilty, the U.S. [...]

FBI outlines three components of cyber-risk


InfoSec News: FBI outlines three components of cyber-risk:
By Ben Bain Feb 24, 2010
To make better cybersecurity-related decisions a senior FBI official recommends considering a simple algebraic equation—risk = threat x vulnerability x consequence—rather than solely focusing on threat vectors and actors.
Each factor is important, Steven Chabinsky, deputy assistant director at the FBI’s Cyber Division, said today. Chabinsky spoke on a panel at the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Homeland Security Conference in Washington.
Nation-states that commit espionage, terrorist organizations, individuals interested in using the Internet as an attack tool and criminal syndicates are the types of attackers mostly likely to target computer systems in both the public and private sectors, he said. Threat vectors on which the FBI is focused include remote access and intrusion, supply chain vulnerabilities, proximate or close access threats, and insider access threats, he said.
Chabinsky said the risk model is compelling is because risk drops down to zero if any of those three elements or variables is zero. He said the risk model is the first place he goes when he needs to step back strategically.

Baidu: Registrar 'incredibly' changed our e-mail for hacker


InfoSec News: Baidu: Registrar 'incredibly' changed our e-mail for hacker:
By Owen Fletcher and Robert McMillan IDG News Service February 24, 2010
A hacker who took down top Chinese search engine last month broke into its account with a U.S. [...]


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