Harvard bio-boffins build gut-on-a-chip Posted: 29 Mar 2012 03:15 PM PDT Micromachine for medicine research Engineers at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering have built an experimental synthetic intestine using currently available chip technology.… |
Apple fires up Antennagate settlement payout Posted: 29 Mar 2012 03:05 PM PDT You may be due a princely $15 – get on it! If you bought an iPhone 4 – the model that sparked the now famous "You're holding it wrong" Antennagate dust-up – and you didn't accept Apple's free wraparound Bumper, it's now time to collect your fifteen bucks from Cupertino.… 
Intel: Xeon E5s to surf impending server upgrade wave Posted: 29 Mar 2012 02:31 PM PDT Chipzilla's data center queen gives peek into internal IT You could say that Diane Bryant, the new general manager of Intel's Data Center and Connected Systems group, which makes server, storage, and networking chips and the platforms that employ them, was lucky in that she took over the job just as the chip giant was getting ready to launch its Xeon E5-2600 workhorse processors for servers.… |
West Australian WiFi mesh sniffs out bushfires Posted: 29 Mar 2012 01:59 PM PDT Edith Cowan University team re-write MAC protocol to build meshed sensors A team of researchers from Edith Cowan University's (ECU's) Centre for Communications Engineering Research (CCER) has built sensors which can sniff out a forest fire, then use WiFi to tell the world.… |
Apple slapped with second Siri senility lawsuit Posted: 29 Mar 2012 12:51 PM PDT False advertising claim against bungled 'breakthrough' Apple has been slapped with a second class-action lawsuit alleging that its ads for the iPhone 4S's Siri voice-activated search feature constitute false advertising.… |
Munich's mayor claims €4m savings from Linux switch Posted: 29 Mar 2012 12:24 PM PDT Lower costs and fewer support calls than Windows Christian Ude, the mayor of Munich and occasional political cabaret artist, is trumpeting the cost savings made by switching from Windows to Linux, claiming his city has saved over €4m over the last year alone.… |
Apple's Cook tops Page, Otellini in 'Favorite Boss' survey Posted: 29 Mar 2012 11:38 AM PDT Microsoft's Ballmer? Unloved and sinking Apple CEO Tim Cook ranked number one among US CEOs in employee esteem, according to voluntary responses to a survey which asked the simple question, "Do you approve of the way this person is handling the job of leading this company?"… 
EXTREME weather blown away from unexpected direction Posted: 29 Mar 2012 10:28 AM PDT Give us back our doom, plead hippies Comment Allegations of a "surge" in "extreme" weather events has been quashed by a surprising source - the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).… |
Panasas kingpin: What's the solid state state of play? Posted: 29 Mar 2012 09:28 AM PDT Garth Gibson on HPC - buffering the brute-force burst Interview What can NAND flash do now for high-performance computing (HPC) storage and how will it evolve? Garth Gibson, the co-founder and chief technology officer for Panasas, the (HPC) storage provider, has definite views on it. Here's a snapshot of them.… |
This interactive wind map is a Big Data lava lamp Posted: 29 Mar 2012 09:01 AM PDT And you thought Big Data wasn't really that useful! If you're reading El Reg you're obviously taking a little break from your workday [au contraire - you're enriching your portfolio of business-critical knowledge in a fashion which your boss would heartily endorse - Ed]. And if you want to amuse yourself with how a big data set with proper visualization can not only change your understanding of that data but also turn out to be absolutely hypnotic, then you need to check out the wind map.… |
ALL Visa cards blab punters' names - not just Barclaycards Posted: 29 Mar 2012 08:44 AM PDT Wireless Pay-by-bonk fraud risk widens Channel 4 News has been bothering contact-less bank cards again, and managed to wirelessly extract the customer's name from ANY Visa-branded card within a few centimetres.… |
Kelihos zombies erupt from mass graves after botnet massacre Posted: 29 Mar 2012 08:29 AM PDT Pumping spam, entering backdoors again almost right away Security researchers have warned that the resurrected Kelihos botnet blasted off the face of the web yesterday is still alive.… 
Dell blows Clouds of love into the channel Posted: 29 Mar 2012 08:13 AM PDT Choking fog of vendor vapours thickens Dell is belatedly lifting the covers off a cloud services and solutions certification track for channel partners from mid-April.… |
'Half baked' Brussels data law fails to thrill Posted: 29 Mar 2012 07:58 AM PDT 'Regrettable level of ambition', sniff advisors Viviane Reding's proposed overhaul of Europe's 1995 data protection law needs clarification and improvement, an independent advisory group urged today.… |
Brush up your Microsoft skills, win date with Ferrari Posted: 29 Mar 2012 07:56 AM PDT And chance to win a Nokia Lumia 800 Compo Microsoft is offering you the chance to cruise the streets of Britain in a Ferrari and all you have to do is get more tech skills.… |
Osborne+ and Schmidt+ say 'the internet' = 8.3 per cent of UK GDP Posted: 29 Mar 2012 07:50 AM PDT Chancellor can't tell advertising from technology The UK's part-time Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne+ has again drawn attention to the Conservative leadership's cosy ties with the predatory American advertising giant Google. Yesterday, the Financial Times ran an op-ed piece jointly-bylined to Osborne+ and Google chairman Eric Schmidt+.… |
Dot-word TLD registration closes tonight, maybe for many years Posted: 29 Mar 2012 07:24 AM PDT Last chance to buy a thing that might be useless! Today is the last chance for organisations that want to own their own top-level internet domain names to register their interest with ICANN.… 
World IT sales up 15 per cent in Q4 ... er, 5 if you remove Apple Posted: 29 Mar 2012 06:57 AM PDT Giant rollneck-clad fatty scoffs all the growth The tech sector fared well in Q4 largely due to channel bullyboy Apple's unstoppable sales juggernaut - but IT distributors are missing out on this boom.… |
UK government says no to turbo e-bike Posted: 29 Mar 2012 06:38 AM PDT No speed please, we're British The government today confirmed that an electrically powered bicycle, may not be sold in this country because its top speed exceeds legal limits.… |
Ukrainian cops silence old-skool virus tinkerers' playground Posted: 29 Mar 2012 06:29 AM PDT 'It's not a game any more, chummy' Ukrainian cops have shut down a long-running malware exchange website frequented by old-school virus writers.… |
NDS says Beeb's Panorama emails were 'manipulated' Posted: 29 Mar 2012 05:58 AM PDT Look! They moved the 'To' line up one! TV crypto company NDS says the BBC misled viewers in a Panorama investigation broadcast on Monday. The former Murdoch company, which was acquired by Cisco earlier this month, has released what it says are the original emails.… |
Quitting your job? Here's how <i>not</i> to do it Posted: 29 Mar 2012 05:40 AM PDT He deleted most of the source code – the little @£$%%... |
Microsoft: Keep Moto vid codec patent fight in US, not Germany Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:58 AM PDT Pleads for meaningful relief, offers $300m Microsoft has filed a motion in the US to stop Motorola Mobility from enforcing an injunction it may win in a German court next month.… |
Nintendo DSi sends child abuser to the slammer Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:53 AM PDT Photo evidence yields confession A paedophile has been jailed after his victim used her Nintendo DSi to covertly photograph his assault.… |
Facebook to halt secondary market trading ahead of IPO - report Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:42 AM PDT Let's sell this bubble before it bursts ... bitch Facebook is reportedly set to freeze secondary market trading next week ahead of its plan to take the company public in May.… 
PlayStation 4 'Orbis' pegged for 2013 release Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:39 AM PDT 4K by 2K gaming, anyone? Details of Sony's next-gen console flooded the web today, with the PlayStation 4 - apparently codenamed Orbis - set for a Q4 2013 release, it has been claimed.… |
Adobe auto-update eases Flash update chore - on Windows only Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:32 AM PDT Backdoors plugged without lifting a finger Adobe has introduced an auto-updater for its Flash software packages that reduces the chore of updating the widely-used application by automating the process for all supported browsers on Windows machines. Previously users had to apply individual updates to Chrome, Firefox and IE add-ons and plug-ins, a process that often went neglected, leaving systems open to attack.… |
Wags unroll Twitter toilet paper Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:20 AM PDT From blog to bog A startup has crapped-in on the social network fad, offering toilet paper custom-printed with the Twitter feed of your choice.… |
TopWrite Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:00 AM PDT Messaging made (really) easy iOS App of the Week There's no end of messaging apps available for the iPhone and iPad, not to mention the built-in email and SMS/IM apps included in iOS itself. But that over-abundance of apps can actually be something of a problem: you can often find yourself fiddling with multiple apps and services when all you want to do is fire off a quick message with the minimum of fuss.… |
HP offers contractors a choice: 5 per cent pay cut ... or 100 per cent Posted: 29 Mar 2012 03:43 AM PDT Not fooling about April Fool's Day cost slash HP has told some IT contractors to expect at least a five per cent pay cut as it looks to eke out cost savings across the organisation.… |
New Google tool lets you PROBE YOURSELF Posted: 29 Mar 2012 03:28 AM PDT 'I had no idea what a pervert I was until now' Google may want to silently worm its way into everything people do online: but it's now offering a tool that allows users of its services to see some of what Google sees about them.… |
London ambulances on second try with CommandPoint 999 software Posted: 29 Mar 2012 03:14 AM PDT 'Lessons learned' after last year's eggface debut The London Ambulance Service has quietly phased in its CommandPoint 999 dispatch system.… |
Behold! Or rather, don't: Bendy see-through DRAM Posted: 29 Mar 2012 02:58 AM PDT You like windows, you like bendy things, you like memory Boffins at Rice uni in the States have devised bendy transparent memory chips using pure silicon crystals.… |
Warner, Sony commit to UltraViolet in UK Posted: 29 Mar 2012 02:42 AM PDT Buy a disc, stream it for free Warner Home Entertainment has revealed that all its future Blu-ray Discs will tap into Hollywood's UltraViolet cloud-based movie locker to provide punters with downloadable copies of films they buy.… |
Third European supply podule docks with space station Posted: 29 Mar 2012 02:36 AM PDT 'Smooth, gentle' mating at 28,000 kph Europe's ATV cargo ship Edoardo Amaldi successfully docked with the International Space Station last night, marking the third ATV mission to restock the ISS.… 
NSA's top spook blames China for RSA hack Posted: 29 Mar 2012 02:18 AM PDT Says People's Republic trousers loads of US military IP The director of the US National Security Agency has named China as the country behind last year's high profile hack against RSA that resulted in the extraction of data related to SecurID tokens.… |
Raspberry Pi supplier coughs to ship date delay glitch Posted: 29 Mar 2012 02:05 AM PDT CE testing demand holding up supply A "system auto-generated error" left hundreds of eager would-be Raspberry Pi owners fuming yesterday after they were told their prized micro-computer boards wouldn't arrive until the summer.… |
A million TVs to go dark across London Posted: 29 Mar 2012 02:01 AM PDT Analogue switch-off is coming Next week analogue TV will be switched off across London, knocking out an estimated one million TV screens which haven't made the jump to digital yet.… |
Everything you thought you knew about cybercrims is WRONG Posted: 29 Mar 2012 01:34 AM PDT Forget teen hackers, they're aging gangsters with off-the-shelf web weapons Assumptions about cyber-criminals are all wrong, according to a study that argues many fraudsters are middle aged and possess only rudimentary IT skills - contrary to the elite bedroom teen hackers portrayed in movies.… |
Gridiron keeps DRAM tight lid on boxes of flash chips Posted: 29 Mar 2012 01:03 AM PDT No details on million-plus IOPS kit, nothing on current gear either Blocks and Files Gridiron, the flash array startup that announced a million IOPS from its coming box of MLC flash chips, won't give us any flash details of its existing TurboCharger appliance, keeping its basic capacity and IOPS ratings to itself.… |
Gov IT contractors hire staff in India to work on benefits system Posted: 29 Mar 2012 12:32 AM PDT But we're not moving existing UK jobs, these are new ones Hundreds of computer technicians in India are being hired to help develop an IT system for the government's universal credit welfare programme, work potentially worth hundreds of millions of pounds, despite promises that large data projects would remain in the UK.… 
Chinese to burn iPads in upcoming celebrations Posted: 29 Mar 2012 12:01 AM PDT Fondleslabs go up in smoke in honour of ancestors Chinese people will burn paper replicas of iPads next week at an annual ceremony called the tomb-sweeping ritual during the Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival, which celebrates the dead.… |
ZTE profits crash 37 per cent in 2011 Posted: 28 Mar 2012 11:29 PM PDT Chinese telecoms kit maker getting squeezed Chinese telecoms equipment maker ZTE has had a mixed 2011, with revenue surging by almost a quarter to 86.3bn yuan (£8.6bn), but profits were down by a whopping 36.6 per cent and concerns linger over its links to Iran.… |
With this ring, I thee frag Posted: 28 Mar 2012 11:28 PM PDT Marriage proposal in Team Fortress 2 after Valve helps with free virtual bling A female employee of Australian internet service provider Internode has used the February 29th loophole that says women can propose to men to pop the question – inside Team Fortress 2 (TF2).… |
Digitech iPB-10 guitar effects pedalboard for iPad Posted: 28 Mar 2012 11:00 PM PDT Kerrang! Review When the Digitech iPB-10 arrived, I duly dispatched an e-mail to a muso mate with a link to this ultimate iPad guitar pedalboard. The wag replied: Nice machine you're reviewing, but I don't know whether 87 pedals, 54 amps and 26 cabinets is quite enough for me...… |
Acer set to unleash 15in fibreglass MONSTER Posted: 28 Mar 2012 10:01 PM PDT Taiwanese hardware maker to expand Ultrabook range Taiwanese hardware giant Acer is set to continue with its plans to target Intel's super-skinny laptop segment with the launch of a new 15in fibreglass Ultrabook in the next couple of months.… |
Microsoft says scale-out storage not needed for big data Posted: 28 Mar 2012 09:59 PM PDT SQL Server guru also thinks data scientists also have limited role … for now Infrastructure vendors' vision of big data rigs based on scale-out NAS won't come to fruition, according to the Microsoft executive heading the company's big data push for SQL Server 2012.… 
Lucy in 3.4 million-year-old cross-species cave tryst Posted: 28 Mar 2012 09:55 PM PDT New homonin fossil discovered The statement from the abstract is as prosaic as it gets: "A newly discovered partial hominin foot skeleton from eastern Africa indicates the presence of more than one hominin locomotor adaptation at the beginning of the Late Pliocene epoch."… |
Tim Cook, Chinese vice PM agree IP pact Posted: 28 Mar 2012 09:35 PM PDT Apple boss presses the flesh at Zhongnanhai Apple boss Tim Cook met Chinese vice premier Li Keqiang during his visit to the People's Republic this week and reportedly managed to come away with a commitment from the future prime minister to strengthen intellectual property protection for it and other firms in the country.… |
PM launches Oz network three-year 3.5m premises rollout Posted: 28 Mar 2012 08:36 PM PDT Don't mention Huawei The first large-scale rollout of Australia's National Broadband Network has been announced, with the government and NBN Co announcing that 3.5 million premises (including homes, businesses, schools and hospitals) are to receive their connections by 2015.… |